Saturday, August 31, 2019

Migraine Headaches

Jaquelyn Ballentine HE 101 Blua 10 November 2008 Migraine headaches What are migraine headaches? Where do they come from? How can you help prevent them? Migraine headaches cannot really just be simplified down to just one classification. There are many determining factors when classifying one.One type of migraine is a migraine without aura; this is probably the most common form of a migraine. These migraines can last anywhere between 4-72 hours non-stop, which can be pretty painful. Typical characteristics of this are unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate or severe intensity, aggravation by routine physical activity and association with nausea and/or photophobia(sensitivity to bright light) or phonophobia(sensitivity to sound or noise). These symptoms can very much interfere with daily life and routines.The next type of a migraine is a migraine with aura, this is the second most commonly seen form of a migraine, and people who suffer from these might also suffer from migra ines without aura. The symptoms of a migraine with aura usually follow the symptoms of a migraine without aura. To diagnose this type of migraine it must follow the following criteria 1. Aura consisting of at least one of the following, but no muscle weakness or paralysis: fully reversible visual symptoms (flickering lights, spots, lines, or loss of vision) fully reversible sensory symptoms (pins and needles/numbness) fully reversible dysphasia (speech disturbance) 2.Aura has at least two of the following characteristics: visual symptoms affecting just one side of the field of vision and/or sensory symptoms affecting just one side of the body, at least one aura symptom develops gradually over more than 5 minutes and/or different aura symptoms occur one after another over more than 5 minutes, or each symptom lasts from 5-60 minutes. The signs and symptoms of a migraine vary among different people. Therefore, what is experienced before, during, and after a migraine cannot be exactly d efined. There are about 4 phases 1.The prodrome, which occurs hours or days before the headache, 2. The aura, which immediately precedes the headache, 3. The pain phase, also known as the headache phase, and 4. The postdrome. The pendrome phase: prodromal symptoms occur in 40-60% of all migraine sufferers. This phase may consist of altered mood, irritability, depression or euphoria, fatigue, yawning, excessive sleepiness, craving for certain foods (chocolate), stiff muscles (especially in the neck), constipation or diarrhea, increased urination, and other visceral symptoms.These symptoms occur usually between hours and days before the headache. Next is the pain phase. The typical migraine is unilateral, throbbing, and moderate to severe and can be aggravated by physical activity. Though the pain may be bilateral at the onset or start on one side and become generalized. These can last anywhere from 4-72 hours in adults and from about 1-48 hours in children. The frequency of these mig raines is extremely variable, from few in an entire life time to several times in a week. Te head pain also varies greatly in intensity.Then postdrome phase: the patient may feel tired; have head pain, feel â€Å"hung-over†, gastrointestinal symptoms, mood changes, and weakness. Some people feel unusually refreshed or euphoric after an attack. Where as others fell depressed. For some patients a 5-6 hour nap may reduce the pain, but slight headaches may still occur when standing or sitting quickly. Normally these symptoms will vanish after rest. Migraines are underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed. The diagnosis of migraine without aura according to the International Headache Society, can be made according to the following criteria, the â€Å"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 criteria†. or more attacks, 4 hours to 3 days in duration, 2 or more of-unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate to severe pain, aggravation by or avoidance of routine physical activity, 1 or more accompanying sympto ms (nausea and/or vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia). A migraine trigger is any factor that, on exposure or withdrawal, leads to the development of an acute migraine headache. Triggers fall into different categories such as behavioral, environmental, infectious, dietary, chemical, or hormonal.Migraine attacks may be triggered by: allergic reactions, bright lights, loud noises, and certain odors or perfumes, physical or emotional stress, changes in sleep patterns, smoking or exposure to smoke, skipping meals, alcohol, menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause transition, tension headaches, foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), MSG or nitrates like bacon hot dogs or salami, and other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products, and fermented or picked foods.Conventional treatment usually focuses on three areas: trigger av oidance, symptomatic control, and preventive drugs. Patients often find that the recommended migraine treatments are not 100% effective at preventing migraines, and sometimes may not be affective at all. Once all diagnostic information has been collected and reviewed, then the best course of action can be determined.Whether that may be drugs or simple rest; the treatment varies greatly for each patient so as of right now there is no exact treatment for migraine headaches. Thorough research is being done, and many of the experiments that are being tested are on new drugs to better treat these symptoms. Throughout my family history many of my family members have bean diagnosed with migraine headaches so I have quite an idea of what these â€Å"patients† are going through, seeing as I am one of them.These migraine headaches are extremely painful and can take you away from normal activities such as going outside because the bright light, watching TV because of the noise, or even just studying because of the nerves and other things inside your brain that can have an affect on the migraine. Many treatments have been prescribed to chronic migraine sufferers in my family, but everyone still has yet to find one that has worked efficiently. This is a problem that needs to be fixed. That is one of the main reasons that I plan to pursue my career in becoming a neurosurgeon.The fact that I am a migraine sufferer has an enormous impact on my choice of career and I am determined to go through with it. Too many people suffer everyday from migraine headaches and most people who do not suffer from these do not know the actual pain that is associated with one.Works cited Wikipedia. com – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Migraine Migraineheadaces. com- http://www. migraineheadache. com/wsym. html Emedicinehealth. com- http://www. emedicinehealth. com/migraine_headache/article_em. htm

Friday, August 30, 2019

Physics Key Points

A force can do one of four things to an object: 1. Make it speed up – accelerate. 2. Make it slow down – decelerate. 3. Change its direction. 4. Change its shape. If something is doing one of these four things there must be net force acting upon it. Newton's First Law ‘Every body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. ‘ Something without net force acting on it will either stay still or move at a constant speed in a straight line until you apply a force to it. F = ma Newton's Second Law: †¢ F is the force in Newton’s, N. m is the mass in kilograms, kg. †¢ a is the acceleration in m/s2. This shows that if you keep the mass constant and double the applied force the acceleration will double. Hooke's Law, elastic and plastic behaviour F = kx An elastic material is one that will return to its original shape when the force applied to it is taken away. A plastic (or inelastic) material is one that stay s deformed after you have taken the force away. If you apply too big a force a material will lose its elasticity. In solids If a force is applied over a smaller surface area you get a larger pressure. Pressure can be calculated using the following equation: Pressure = force/area Force will be in Newton’s, N. Area will be in either m2 or cm2. If the area is in m2 then the pressure will be measured in Pascal’s or N/m2. If the area is in cm2 then the pressure will be in N/cm2. In liquids 1. Pressure increases with depth. 2. Pressure acts equally in all directions. 3. Pressure is transmitted through liquids. Hydraulics All hydraulics systems work because the pressure is the same throughout the system. A really good example of this is a car brake system. You need to know all about this for your exams. In gases Although gases are compressible (squashy) they exert a pressure because of the gas particles bouncing off things. Boyle's Law For a fixed mass of gas the pressure x the volume of the gas stays the same. In other words, as you squeeze a gas its pressure will go up and its volume will get less. Important point: The temperature and mass of gas must stay the same for this to be true! We can write this as: Pressure x volume = constant or P1V1 = P2V2 Moments Moments make things turn or rotate. They are caused by forces but are not forces themselves. Like forces, moments have a direction. We say they are either clockwise or anti-clockwise, to show which way they will make something turn. The bigger the force causing the turning effect the bigger the moment will be. The further the force is from the pivot the bigger the moment will be. The size of a moment can be calculated using: Moment = Force x Distance Force is measured in Newton’s, N. Distance is measured in either m or cm. If the distance is in m then the moment will be measured in Nm. If the distance is in cm then the moment will be measured in Ncm. Distance As we all know, the distance between two points is how far apart they are. In science, we normally use metres as our unit. We often represent how the distance between two points changes using a distance: time graph. Speed Speed is how fast something is going. It is how quickly something covers a certain distance and can be worked out using the equation: Speed = distance/time Acceleration This is how quickly something gets faster. So if you were running and getting 1m/s faster every second you would have had an acceleration of 1 m per second per second. We normally write this 1 m/s2. We work out by the equation: Acceleration = change in speed/time taken Frequency, wavelength, amplitude and time period are used to describe waves. Waves can be transverse or longitudinal. Transverse waves – the vibration is at right angles to the wave motion, e. g. light, water waves and the electromagnetic spectrum waves. Longitudinal waves – the vibration is parallel to the wave motion, e. g. sound and some earthquake waves. Wave Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x wavelength (m) Reflection is the bouncing of waves off a surface. There are three rules of reflection that you need to know. 1. The angle of incidence always equals the angle or reflection. 2. The distance from the object to mirror is the same as the distance from the mirror to the image. 3. The image is always the same size as the object but is laterally inverted. Refraction is the bending of a wave when it goes from one substance into another. Refraction happens because the speed and wavelength of the wave changes as the wave goes into the other substance. The frequency of the wave stays the same. Total internal reflection happens when the angle of incidence, of a wave going from a substance into air, is greater than the critical angle. The wave bounces off the boundary, obeying the rules of reflection. Dispersion of white light produces a spectrum. This is caused by refraction. Light of different frequencies is refracted by different amounts. Red is refracted the least and violet the most. This causes white light to be split up into seperate colours. Diffraction is the spreading out of a wave as it goes through a gap, or around an object. The smaller the gap or the larger the wavelength the greater the diffraction. Diffraction is most effective when the size of the gap is approximately the same as the wavelength of the wave. You will need to be able to draw diagrams showing how waves reflect, refract and diffract. Sound waves are caused by particles vibrating. The frequency of the vibration decides the pitch of the sound. The amplitude of the vibrations decides the loudness of the sound. Ultrasound waves are high frequency sound waves, which are beyond the human hearing range. Ultrasound is used for seeing babies in the womb, detecting cracks in metal and cleaning instruments. Waves can be represented on an oscilloscope screen, which can be used to measure the characteristics of the waves. You should be able to find the amplitude and time period of a wave from an oscilloscope screen. The electromagnetic spectrum is a series of waves that all travel at the same speed in a vacuum. They are all transverse. Each part of the spectrum has different uses and dangers. Each part of the spectrum has a different frequency and wavelength. Gamma waves are at the high frequency end of the spectrum. Radio waves are at the low frequency end. You will need to know the uses and dangers of each part of the spectrum. Different surfaces and materials absorb different frequencies of waves. White surfaces reflect most waves. Black surfaces absorb most waves. Information can be carried along copper cables as electrical signals, or long optical fibres as electromagnetic wave pulses. Optical fibres have advantages over copper cables. Optical fibres can carry more information; the signals can travel faster and lose less energy as they travel along the cable. There are two types of signals, analogue and digital. Analogue signals have a continuous range of values. Digital signals have only t wo values, on (1) and off (0). Digital signals have advantages over analogue signals. Digital signals are easier to transmit as they are less affected by noise; it is also possible to send more information, in a certain time, as a digital signal than as an anologue signal. Types of energy Energy can not be created or destroyed it can only change from one form into another. There are many types of energy including, †¢ sound †¢ heat †¢ light †¢ kinetic †¢ nuclear †¢ potential energy Kinetic energy is movement energy. Potential energy is stored energy. There are three main forms of potential energy including gravitational, chemical and elastic. Sankey diagrams can be used to represent energy changes. The size of the arrows represents the amount of that type of energy. Energy is measured in Joules, J or kilojoules, kJ. Conduction Heat energy always moves from hotter objects to colder objects. Heat energy is conducted through solids by particles vibrating and passing on the movement to neighbouring particles. Metals are best at conducting heat. As well as the vibrating particles, they move the heat energy by free electrons moving between their atoms. The poorest conductors are gases as their molecules are too far apart to affect each other much. Air is a very bad conductor. Most insulators work because of trapped air. Convection Convection is hot gases or liquids rising and cooler gases and liquids sinking to replace it. As substances heat up the density decreases, which is what makes them float. This movement of molecules is called a convection current. It can only happen in a gas or liquid where the molecules are free to move around. Radiation Radiated heat energy is infrared radiation. All hot objects radiate heat. Black, dull surfaces are the best emitters of heat radiation. Lighter, shinier surfaces are poor radiators of heat. Radiated heat can also be absorbed by cooler objects. Black is the best absorber. Surfaces coloured silver or white will reflect the radiated heat. Ways to save energy in the home Reducing heat losses from a home means less damage to the environment and lower heating bills. Installing insulation costs money. The payback time is how long it takes for the savings to cover the cost. Each strategy has to reduce conduction, convection, radiation or any combination of them. Common strategies are double-glazing, loft insulation, tank lagging, lined curtains, cavity wall insulation, blocking up disused fireplaces and putting foil behind radiators. Other conservation strategies include using of low-energy light bulbs, turning down heating thermostats, fitting draught excluders and switching off unattended appliances. Non-renewable fuels and power stations The fossil fuels are oil, gas and coal. They are non-renewable, which means that they can not be replaced. They will eventually run out. These fuels have many uses but the main ones are heating, transport and generating electricity. In power stations, the fuel is burnt and the heat turns water into steam. That steam pushes around a turbine that is connected to a generator. The generator produces electricity. This process is the same for all power stations. Nuclear power stations don't burn the fuel. Uranium fuel generates heat that turns water into steam just like in other power stations. Nuclear accidents are rare, but can be serious. The waste from the reactors can be radioactive. It is easy to store it safely for now but it will stay radioactive for years. Environmental impacts of burning fuels Carbon dioxide is the most common of several gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The result is global warming. This would result in the weather being more extreme and the ice caps melting raising the sea levels. Sulphur dioxide is the most common cause of acid rain. It dissolves in rainwater to form an acid. The acid rain harms plants, animals and stonework. Alternative energy sources Most of the alternative energy sources are renewable. This means there is either an endless supply of them so that they will not run out, or they can be easily replaced. Hydroelectric power is only possible where the geology is right, such as Scotland. Water runs fast down an incline and turns a turbine. Some developing countries get all their energy from HEP schemes on large dams. The large lake made behind the dam drastically alters the surroundings. Waves and tides have a lot of energy. Few schemes exist because of technological problems and environmental objections. Solar power converts the suns energy into electricity using solar panels. These panels are expensive to make. Wind farms are groups of wind turbines that generate electricity from wind. Some people don't like wind farms because they spoil the view or make a noise. Geothermal energy uses the natural heat in volcanic rock to generate electricity. Gas called methane is produced when matter rots. This gas can be used to generate heat to produce electricity. Burning rubbish is not a way to avoid pollution but it does preserve fossil fuels as well as avoid rubbish having to be put in landfill sites. Crops can be grown to be burnt in a power station. Another version of this is to process the crops into alcohol and use it instead of petrol in cars. Work is done whenever a force acts over a distance, e. g. a car motor produces a forward force to move the car a certain distance. Energy is measured in Joules, J. The work done or energy transferred can be calculated using: Work done or energy = force x distance When working out the work done the force must be in the same direction as the movement. If more than one force is acting in that direction then the resultant force must be used. Kinetic energy is the amount of movement energy an object has. Kinetic energy can be calculated using: Kinetic energy = ? x mass x velocity2 Gravitational potential energy is the extra amount of stored energy an object has because it is higher up. GPE can be calculated using: Change in gravitational potential energy = mass x gravity x change in height This is the same thing as GPE = weight x height Power is the rate at which work is done, or in other words, the amount of energy transferred per second. Power is measured in Watts, W or J/s. Power can be calculated using: Power = energy transferred / time taken Or Power = work done / time taken Energy is often lost to the surroundings as heat energy. This is wasted energy as it cannot be easily used again. Efficiency tells us how much energy is wasted when an energy transfer has happened. The more efficient something is the less energy that is wasted. Efficiency can be calculated using: Power out/power in*100 =efficiency in % Energy out/energy in*100=efficiency in % Static Electricity Static Charge Static charge is a charge that can't move. There are two kinds positive (+) and negative (-). All atoms contain positive particles (protons) and negative particles (electrons) but because they contain the same number of protons and electrons they have no overall charge. Static electricity is caused by an atom having too many or too few electrons (e-). A Van de Graff Generator is a machine that generates huge amounts of static charge, by rubbing electrons off a roller and depositing them on the metal dome. Induction and Earthing The basic rule you need to know is that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Induction – This is the effect caused when a charged object causes electrons in another object to move. This causes the uncharged object to become attracted to the charged object. Earthing – If enough charge builds up on an insulator, the charge can leap the gap, causing a spark. This can be prevented by discharging the object, gradually. This is called earthing. Useful Static Static electricity is used in many useful machines like photocopiers and smoke stacks (to remove pollution from the smoke). Nasty Static If clouds get charged up enough, you get lightning, the biggest spark of all. Static can also be dangerous when refuelling aircraft. The fuel rubs against the side of the hose and lots of charge builds up. If the plane isn't earthed, the spark can blow the plane up. Basic Circuits Current, Voltage and Resistances Current – This is a measure of the flow of electrons around a circuit (measured in Amperes or Amps). Voltage – This is a measure of how much energy the electrons are carrying around the circuit (measured in Volts). Resistance – This is a measure of how hard it is for the purple to travel through a part of the circuit (measured in Ohms). Direction Problem! Current flows from the positive (+ve) terminal of the battery to the negative (-ve). This is called conventional current flow. The problem is, electrons are negatively charged, so they want to get away from the -ve and go to the +ve. So if electrons are going left to right, you say that the current is going right to left. Circuits An ammeter needs to measure the flow of charge, so it is in series. This means that all the charge has to flow through it and can be counted. It also means that an ammeter needs to have a very low resistance. A voltmeter measures voltage across a component, which you may have heard as potential difference. This means it is in parallel and it also needs a high resistance (otherwise all the current would flow through the meter instead f the component). Series Circuits Current in series: same all the way round (all the current has to flow through everything). Voltage in series: voltages across each component add up to the total voltage supplied by the battery, as they have to share the voltage between them [(A) = (B) + (C) in the diagram]. Higher resistances will need more of the volt age. Final point – resistors in series: To work out the total resistance of two resistors, just add them together. This is because the current has to go through both of them. Parallel Circuits Voltage in parallel: all voltages the same. Current in parallel: the current is shared out between the branches, but recombines near the battery. In the diagram (A) = (B) + (C) = (D). How much current each branch gets depends on the individual resistors – bigger resistance = lower current. Resistance in parallel: you don't normally have to work out numbers, but the rule of thumb is that the total resistance of two resistors in parallel is less than the lowest individual resistor. Circuit Symbols Cells and Batteries: strictly speaking one cell represents 1. 5V, but of you write the voltage above it (e. g. 6V'), most people will understand the cell has 6 volts. Power Supplies: come in all shapes and sizes; just label them as you want. Switches: several types, I've shown the main two that you will come across Lamps/Bulbs: either symbol could be used – it doesn't matter. Resistors: a few types – Fixed, Variable (you can change the resistance), Thermistor (as it gets hotter, its resistance decreases) and Light Dependent Resistor or LDR (the more light that shines on it, the lower its resistance gets). Diode: A diode is like an electrical valve, it only lets current flow one way. If it is connected with the arrow pointing to the negative terminal, current can easily flow, if it is the other way round, it will block the current. A LED or Light Emitting Diode is just the same except it gives off light†¦ Ohmmeter: is connected directly to a resistor, of any kind, to find its resistance (no other circuit is used with it) Check in your syllabus to see if there are anymore you need to know! Know Your Formulae Ohm's Law The law actually says that the resistance of a metal conductor is the same whatever the current – unless it's getting hotter. However most people think of these equations when the law gets mentioned: V=IR and so on, Voltage (V) in Volts, Current (I) in Amps and Resistance (R) in Ohms. Charge (Q) in Coulombs, Time (t) in seconds and Power (P) in Watts. Always remember to show all your working out, including writing the formula properly (not just the triangle! ) and checking your units (e. g. check for mV or kW instead of V or W) Prefixes: These are little letters added to units to make them a different size, but always use the base unit if unsure. Base units are given in the topics, the ones to watch for are time (seconds) and mass (kilograms not grams). |Prefixes: |Name |Value: |Example: | |M |Mega |x 1,000,000 | 1MW = 1,000,000W | |k |kilo |x 1,000 |1kg = 1,000g | |c |centi |? 100 |1cm = 0. 01m | |m |milli |? 1,000 |1ms = 0. 001s | Mains Supply (AC and DC) We use two main sorts of electrical supplies, DC and AC. DC – This is Direct Current. The current flows in one direction only and has a consistent value. Provided by batteries or DC adaptors/transformers that plug into the mains supply. AC – This is Alternating Current. The current flows first one way then the other at a frequency of 50Hz. AC is what comes out of the mains sockets, usually at around 240V. The Ring Main This is the name given to the circuit in your home. You only need to know that it is a parallel circuit and that the lighting circuit is separate from the circuit for sockets. The National Grid This is the circuit that carries electricity all around the country, from the power stations to homes and businesses. Producing the Power Energy is produced by burning fuel which turns water to steam, this drives a turbine, which make electricity via a generator. This electricity is a very high voltage and is passed over the National grid to a step down station then passed straight to your home. Why the High Voltage? High voltage is used over the National grid, to keep current low. This stops energy being wasted. Energy and the Cost Kilowatt-hours (kWh) The kilowatt-hour is the common unit used by energy companies to measure electricity. This is a unit of energy not power or time. It is the amount of energy if a 1kW appliance was left on for 1 hour. The Cost 1kWh of electrical energy costs around 6p, though it may change depending on your supplier. So multiplying the number of Kilowatt-hours you use by the unit cost (approx 6p), give you the total cost of the electricity you use. Safety A common question is to give you a picture of domestic bliss and get you to identify the hazards, such as the person sticking their fingers in the toaster. Things to look for are: . bad wiring, 2. water near appliances, 3. too many double plugs/adaptors, 4. Frayed wires. Just use your common sense and you should get some easy marks! Wiring a Plug One big problem used to be wiring plugs. By law now, all new appliances are fitted with one already, which helps, but you do need to know what's going on inside there Fuses Fuses help protect the circuit aga inst faults. The key thing is to get the wire just thick enough to carry the current you want, but thin enough to melt if there is a current surge. Fuse Ratings Common sizes are 3, 5 and 13Amp fuses, but there are many others. Always choose one slightly higher than the current rating of the appliance, so that it doesn't blow under normal conditions. Circuit Breakers Fuses are not always effective at protecting you, so circuit breakers are also used. They automatically compare the current entering and leaving the circuit and even if there is the tiniest difference they ‘trip' off. Earth The Earth (yes, I do mean our planet) is very good at soaking up loose charge. The earth in your house is probably connected to the plumbing (goes to ground) or a large metal spike in the ground somewhere. Double Insulation If something is completely cased in an insulator, like plastic, it is said to be double insulated, and does not need earthing. You can't get a shock from the case! Atoms are made up of: †¢ protons; †¢ electrons; †¢ Neutrons. Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and the electrons orbit the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge, electrons have a negative charge and neutrons have no charge. The shape of the atom was discovered using the alpha-scattering experiment. This showed the original plum-pudding model to be wrong! Atomic notation is used to describe atoms. The top number is the mass or nucleon number. It tells us how many protons and neutrons there are in the nucleus. The bottom number is the proton or atomic number, which tells us how many protons are in the nucleus. During reactions the total number of protons and neutrons must stay the same. Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in the nucleus. It is this different number of neutrons that makes some isotopes unstable and radioactive. These isotopes are called radioisotopes. Ionisation is where an electron is removed from a neutral atom, leaving the atom with a positive charge. Radiation causes ionisation. This can be used to detect radiation, as the amount of ionisation can be measured with a Geiger-Muller tube. Ionisation can damage or kill living cells, this can cause cancer to develop. Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma waves are the three main types of radiation emitted during radioactive decay. All three types of radiation are emitted from the nucleus of the atom. When radiation is emitted the unstable atom loses energy to become more stable. If alpha or beta particles are emitted, new elements are formed because of the change in the number of protons in the nucleus. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation all behave slightly differently due to the way they are made up. Alpha ionises the most over a small distance but is not very penetrating. Gamma is the most penetrating but ionises less over the same distance. Decay equations can be used to work out what new daughter element will be produced when radioactive decay takes place. Safety precautions must be taken when handling radioactive substances. These include, using long handled tongs, pointing sources away from people, wearing lead lined clothing, not inhaling or eating sources. The half-life of a substance is the time it takes for half of the original parent atoms to decay. It is also the time it takes for the count rate of a substance to fall to half the original value. Radiation is used in medicine to cure cancer, in industry to detect the thickness of materials and in dating. Background radiation is radiation that is produced around us all of the time. Sources include certain rocks, cosmic radiation, radon gas in the air, nuclear waste and experiments, medical uses and some foods. The background radiation needs to be subtracted from experiment results on radioactivity.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Internal Revenue Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Internal Revenue Service - Essay Example Special rules apply for traders in securities who are in the business of buying and selling securities for their own account tax (Internal Revenue Service, n.d. b). According to the Internal Revenue Service (n.d. b), to be engaged in business as a trader in securities, all of the following conditions must be met: The objective of profiting from daily market movements in the prices of securities and not from dividends, interest, or capital appreciation. The activity must be substantial, and Continuity and regularity of trading activity. Furthermore, according to the Internal Revenue Service (n.d. b), the following facts and circumstances should be considered in determining if the activity is a securities trading business. Typical holding periods for securities bought and sold. The frequency and dollar amount of trades during the year. The extent to which the activity contributes to the generation of income for a livelihood, and The amount of time devoted to the activity. Further, a taxpayer may be a trader in some securities and hold other securities for investment. The special rules for traders do not apply to the securities held for investment. A trader must keep detailed records to distinguish the securities held for investment from the securities in the trading business. The securities held for investment must be identified as such in the trader's records on the day he or she acquires them (Internal Revenue Service, n.d. b). Both the limitations on capital losses and the wash sale rules continue to apply. However, if the mark-to-market election was timely made, then the gains and losses from sales of securities are treated as ordinary gains and losses. Further, neither the limitations on capital losses nor the wash sale rules apply to traders using the mark-to-market method of accounting (Internal Revenue Service, n.d. b).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

THE FEDERAL JUDICIARY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

THE FEDERAL JUDICIARY - Essay Example The two lawyer had another had another case challenging the Affordable Care Act, but the rule ruled in favor of the Obama administration with a vote of 5 to 4 vote (Liptak). Clement argue that the Affordable Care Act requires a majority of employers to provide female employees with comprehensive cover for varieties of contraception methods available in the market. However, under the Affordable Health Act, small employers and religious employers are exempted from covering their employees on contraception (U.S Department of Health and Human Services). Moreover, religious affiliated organizations or group do not need provide their workers with contraceptive cover. The plaintiff told the bench that including insurance coverage for contraceptives promotes equality in the health care provision and ensure that women has access to quality birth control methods. Moreover, offering comprehensive contraceptive insurance ensure that women would be able to prepare for their family until when they are ready to have children (Liptak). Liptak, Adam. "Supre Court Hears Cases on Contraception Rule." 25 March 2014. The New York Times. 17 April 2014 . U.S Department of Health and Human Services. 17 April 2014. 18 April 2014

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Personal statement - Essay Example My childhood memories are filled with small instances of extending love and kindness to other people. As early as four years old, I remember giving my sandwich to a little girl in the street. At a young age, I have learned that people are not created equal in terms of assets and financial resources. I have learned that while other individuals are indulging in luxurious living, others have to manage the little that they have in order to live. Even though this reality seems unfair to some, I believe that God, in all his wisdom and love for man has perfectly designed this world by making each of us dependent to each other—the rich should help the poor, the strong should carry the weak, and the well should heal the sick. Thus, I grow up instilled with the passion to reach out and utilize my knowledge, skill, and resources to help other people. My mother always inspires in me in doing good by saying that if I am sad and I want to be happy, a good deed will surely lift my spirit. My passion for charity works and community involvement has conveyed me a measure of happiness that money or anything else cannot buy. Because of this passion, I am able to maintain a positive outlook and life and a cheerful spirit. Each time I feel bad or unlucky, I try to reach out to other people who are needy and it always brings me shame as I realize that I am more blessed than other people in this world. Whenever I become encumbered with disappointments and adversities, I just think of the seriously ill children who are desperately clinging to dear life and I feel so foolish thinking that some people will want to have my so called problems in exchange for theirs. Helping other people always boosts my energy, lifts my spirit, and provides with the courage the go on with life amidst my predicaments. Doing community work has enabled me to create my own identity and help me carry out my role in the society. As a

Monday, August 26, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Legal and Ethical Issues - Case Study Example The parents claimed that the culprit was initially detained by the local police, however once the culprit pretended to be logically, the culprit was released, the psychologist also used his influence to prevent the Poddar from any future arrest, and made a request to the police department to avoid taking any stern measures against Poddar. Legally, if the psychologist was aware about the killing, as alleged by the parents of Tatiana, then psychologist has violated the laws by supporting the murderer and providing assistance to the criminal. It was observed that 'the superior court sustained defendants' demurrers to plaintiffs' second amended complaints without leave to amend'. As per the protest of the parents on the legal grounds imposed liability on the defendants on two different grounds i.e. the failure on the part of the psychologists to inform and warn the prosecutors about the danger before and after its occurrence, it is correct to relate that the psychologist legally under an y law has no justification for hiding the truth and prevalent danger from the parents, police and courts, therefore as per law the psychologist has proven himself wrong through his actions which are violation of law, surprisingly the defendants forwarded and justified their actions in lieu with the California Tort Claims Act of 1963, according to which the defendants were under no compulsion to provide care and concerns for Tatiana (Lawrence, 2002). The parents of Tatiana held the psychologist responsible under Lanterman-Petris-Short Act. Legally it has been observed that the psychologist has performed such action which is contradicting to the injunctions of the laws, 'defendant therapists cannot escape liability merely because Tatiana herself was not their patient', and therefore the reference provided by the defendants is not credible and non-explanatory. Legally a professional is under compulsion to warn and inform the public and police from any expected criminal course of their patient, therefore it was the legal responsibility of the psychologist to alarm the prosecutors, 'when a therapist has observed that his patient has revealed a serious danger of violence to another, the psychologist is liable to incurs an obligation to use reasonable care to protect the intended victim against such danger' (Lawrence, 2002). As per law and legal perspectives the therapist was bound to take different precautionary measures to avoid such crime from occurrence, which in this case the psychologist failed to perform and execute. The failure on the behalf of the psychologist to inform the police, the court, and university administration and the parents has placed the psychologist under severe scrutiny for his failure to abide by the laws and regulations. Although the psychologist did inform the police at the later moment, however his actions were not enough to prevent the crime from occurrence, which could have been avoided because the psychologist was aware about the appr oach and feelings that were developed by Poddar towards Tatiana. The prosecutor blamed the psychologist, and accused him for his failure and reluctance to share the truth at initial

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Processing Theory of Consumer Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Processing Theory of Consumer Choice - Essay Example The following argument will establish a correlation between ecolabelling and consumer behavior and argue for the regulation of these labels by governmental institutions. According to the Green Gauge Report, which is published annually by Roperstarch Worldwide, society's concern about environmental issues is currently at, or near, historically high levels (Green Gauge Report, 2002). As a result, in the last 20 to 30 years the concept of environmental marketing has materialized. This concept is defined as satisfying consumer wants and needs, but doing so in a way that minimizes impacts on the natural environment. This form of marketing has been popularized in both the marketing literature and by companies seeking a strategy that enables them to market their products in a socially responsible, sustainable manner (Esty and Wilson, 2006). Australia has embraced ecolabelling, in direct response to consumer demands. Indeed, studies on ecolabelling indicate that Australia leads all other countries in the provision of environment-related information on its products (Case Study). The rationale for doing so directly emanates from the very concept of consumer ma rket demands and consumer behavior therein. Accordingly, in order to establish a correlation between ecolabelling and consumer behavior, the latter will be briefly overviewed. Consumer behavior (CB) may be defined as the scientific study of the processes consumers use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products and services that satisfy their needs (Esty and Wilson, 2006). Its development is linked to both psychology and sociology. For example, concepts such as attitude, values, motivation, personality, perception, cognition, social influence, and cultural influence have all played a major role in explaining consumer behavior (Esty and Wilson, 2006).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Omnivores Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Omnivores Dilemma - Essay Example The term â€Å"omnivore† symbolizes human beings. Humans are omnivores in the sense that they feed on both meat and vegetable products. Hunting and gathering was an ancient approach towards food acquisition; many animals were killed for meat, while wild fruits and herbs were harvested. Presently, the same kinds of food that were adored in the past are still highly valued (Chevat, 2009). The several varieties of food present in the farms, and the market makes it difficult for individuals to make a choice (Pollan, 2006). Naturally established farm products are plenty in the market. The supermarkets and other large shops have stocked a lot of processed food products. Many people believe that all the processed food products are made of corn, which may not be the case because several ingredients are added to the main materials (Pollan, 2006). There is a distinction between the organic and industrial products in terms of their manufacturing processes and nutrient contents. Organic a nd industrial food products have several distinguishing factors. Organic products include natural processes; farm products are planted with the help of green manures. Artificial fertilizers are not incorporated in the process of plant growth and product development. Natural photosynthesis takes place where carbon dioxide is the basic ingredient together with sunlight and water.

Program Theory - 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Program Theory - 2 - Essay Example Besides social evils, the high rate of unemployment especially among the graduates could have led to an increase in the dependency ratio meaning that earnings of those who are employed would dwindle significantly because of many people relying on such people, which mean that there will be less economic activities (Rushe, 2013). According to Bhatia (2013) in the recent past the issue of unemployment in the U.S featured prominently especially during the past economic crisis which crippled the economy of the country and thereby affecting the financial performance of many institutions in the country. Subsequently, during this period, there was a massive job loss for many Americans and most of the companies were financially incapable of retaining the various jobs that it had previously offered. Paul (2013) further lamented that another significant fact that promotes unemployment in the U.S is the outsourcing of various jobs from various companies in the United States to other countries wh ere the cost of labor is quoted as being low and there is an abundant supply of qualified workers. For example, by outsourcing some of the jobs that could be done by American engineers to countries such as China and India it means that American engineers will be unable to get employment opportunities and therefore, they will remain unemployed because of the fact that American companies are keen on saving on cost. According to Rushe (2013), in the past two years, the economy of the country has made significant improvements and more Americans have been absorbed into the employment sector thereby decreasing the severity of the problem. Despite of this improvement, the Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that as of August 2013, the rate of unemployment in the U.S stood at 7.3%, which is slightly above the average mark of 5.8%. Anyway, the significant drop is not a consolation prize because it still means that more than 12 million Americans are still unable to find gainful employment opport unities. Therefore, there is a warranted cause for seeking to find a solution to this problem because according to Rushe (2013), the figures released by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that 3.4 percent of engineers in the U.S have so far been unable to be employed. These significant levels of unemployment means that the government is also spending huge sums in paying benefits to these people while it is also unable to generate additional revenues from the taxes that could have been paid by this group of people if they were employed. Therefore, the problem of unemployment in the U.S can be quantified with the amount the government is spending on issuing benefits to this group of people and the amount of income tax it is unable to generate from more 12 million Americans who are unemployed. The proposed solution / program theory In order to tackle the problem of unemployment in the U.S especially among graduate engineering students, this present study proposed a program theor y that is â€Å"employed an engineering student in USA.† Under this theory, there is posed to be minimal government intervention and more in particular, engineering students will be looked upon to solve this problem through their various initiatives or projects that not only solve societal

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Medication Technician Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

The Medication Technician - Essay Example Medication technicians are also referred to as medication aides, medication assistants, certified residential care medication aide, medication assistive person, registered medication aide, medication aide credentialed, qualified medication aide, etc. The duties of medication aides are determined according to the medical practice act of every state. It is not required for medical assistants working under the direct supervision of a physician to become a medication technician in order to be able to administer medication. A medication technician is involved in distributing and administering medications to patients. They usually work under doctoral supervision. They assist patients in consuming medications topically, orally or intravenously. They are required to follow strict medical protocol and administer correct dosages in the right manner. They are also required to supervise patients to make sure that no adverse reactions are occurring. The complete medication history and medication records of patients have to be maintained by medication technicians for each medication that has been administered (Durgin and Hanan, 2004). A medication technician is required to know the proper methodology of administering all kinds of medications, whether they are administered topically, orally, intravenously, vaginally, rectally or transdermally. They should also possess knowledge on medication administration through nebulizers, inhalers and tubes. Medication technicians administering medications to patients should be free of communicable infections such as sore throat, cold or open lesions (Durgin and Hanan, 2004). This requirement is of importance, both for the drug administrator and the patient. Patients are often susceptible to acquiring nosocomial infections as they are week and because their immune system could be compromised because of radiation therapy, surgery and other such procedures in addition to other reasons such as disease, malnutrition or ageing.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethical Implications Essay Example for Free

Ethical Implications Essay The Code of Ethics for Nurses clearly states that nurses are prohibited to participate in assisted suicide and euthanasia, it is ethically unacceptable. But Nurses are often in the best position to discuss end-of-life issues, they play a vital role in end-of-life care by advocating for their patients wishes and maintaining quality symptom management and support (Ignatavicius Workman 2010). Euthanasia is legal in four states in the United States, these states are Oregano, Washington, Montana and Vermont. Terminally ill patients are able to request lethal medications under law. Most of these states require that the patients make two verbal request that are 15 days apart and also another request in writing with a witness. In Montana the law also states that the life expectancy of the patient has to be less than six months. Also the patient must be a resident in the state that he/she wants to precipitate in euthanasia ( New Health Guide n.d). In the case of Terry Schiavo, she had no living will in place, her wishes were unclear and the family was forced to stop her tube feedings and let her die. The nurse’s role in this situation would be to be there to support the family, providing resources and making sure the patient dies a peaceful death. The stake holders in this scenario are the physicians, did they make the right diagnosis and decision, the family who lost a beloved member of their family, and also the society as a whole, it was a very well published case and raised questions regarding if the decision was ethically right. In the scenario of Dax Cowart and Robert Burt, Dax was involved in a gas explosion that left him blinded and disabled. He wanted to stop all his agonizing treatments and die, even though he was competent, he was unable to refuse his treatments. In this situation nurses are obligated to give a competent patient the right to refuse treatment and respect the decision their patients make. The stakeholders in this scenario is the patient Dax who had to suffer through 15 months of treatment, and the doctors who went against his decision. Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L. (2010). Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care (6th ed.). St Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. New Health Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2014, from Purtilo, R., Doherty, R. (2011). Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions, 5th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from c0014 Euthanasia Ethics. (2014, September 26). Retrieved December 14, 2014 from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Human Microbiome Project

The Human Microbiome Project Microorganisms are important for animal and plant life, their presence in the surroundings is essential for survival of all life forms. This importance can be proved by the large number of prokaryotes in human body, mainly bacteria, it was found that there are ten time more bacteria than human cells. Normal flora describe the microbes that colonize human body, during birth and after, and remain for life. Microbes of normal flora are found in many body sites, such as moist skin, gastrointestinal tract, mouth, respiratory tract, urinary tract, and vagina, but other important human organs, such as lungs, brain, and heart are free from microbial flora. Number of microorganisms living in skin is small compared to other sites, because skin medium is dry, and contain dead cells, with slight low pH. The human respiratory tract, mainly nose, is colonized by Staphylococcus aureus , which is main cause of surgical wound infection. The mouth contains biofilms of Streptococcus mutans, which are p resent as plaque on teeth surface. Similar to the skin, and unlike small intestine, not many microbes live in the stomach, because of the gastric acid, Helicobacter pylori is an example of stomach bacteria. Human microbial flora are important to the human, staphylococci and propionibacteria, release fatty acids to prevent growth of skin fungi, bacteria in respiratory tract can cause infections when epithelium of respiratory tract get damage. Vaginal flora, mainly lactobacillus protect host, as women with low lactobacillus levels taking antibiotics to treat infection develop other infections. Human flora also benefit the host, they colonize body sites, making it difficult for external microbes to colonize and infect, they also help in vitamin production, and cause small antibody release , which help in immunity. Oral microflora produce substances as fatty acid, peroxides to protect from external microbes, and also cause disease such as gingivitis, and dental plaque. Normal flora spread from site to another can cause deadly infections, as from wound. Bacteroides of the gastrointestinal tract produced substances that are carcinogens, and can cause cancer for colon. Human Microbiome Project (HMP) Researchers found, usually that everybody carries huge number of pathogens, and microorganisms as possible to cause diseases. While most of these microorganisms coexist with the host body (healthy individuals) and remnant of the human microbiome without any diseas and living with each other in the human body, which are play important vital role in human health. Researchers sampled of healthy volunteers in USA had included total samples was from 15 body sites in men, while in women was 18 body sites, from each volunteer was collected three samples at different body sites. Collect the samples from a total of 18 body sites, in 5 major body areas, in males were sampled from the skin, mouth (oral cavity), nose, two sites behind each ear and each area inner elbow, lower part of gastrointestinal tract(stool), and tinal tract regions. On the other hand, in females additionally sampled from three vaginal sites, as following: nine sites in the oral cavity with saliva, four sites on the skin, three sites in the vagina, a pooled sample of the anterior nares (airway), and one sample of stool. In late 2007 with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) roadmap for biomedical research community, represent important issues that affect human health in general, launched the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), which focuses on describing the different types of microbial which are associated with human health and disease. Human Microbiome Project is to study the microbes which are living in and on the human body and included catalogue the genetic identity and characterize of many organisms such as bacteria, viruses and live in intimate contact with human body. The Human Microbiome Project is became able to uncover microbes and the National Institutes of Health launched the results of the five-year project. Also, has been developed metagenomic protocols through generation a population-scale framework to produce metagenomic data and large group of quality-controlled resources, during standardized methods. Have been isolated around 800 reference strains from human body sequences. Although, these data are biggest resource to develop of current and future studies and represent a diversity of the human microbiome. Since launch HMP in late 2007, HMP has received $153 million from Common Fund of National Institutes of Health (NIH) and $20 million an additional. The main goals of this project are: This project is to prove if there is a shared core microbiome between different groups of people and in and on the different sites of the human body, also to studying different medical conditions  and explain whether there are a correlations between changes in microbiome and disease. To take benefit of recent technologies by studying samples from different sites of the human body to characterize the human microbiome, to provide new technological approaches from a standardized data resources, and HMP is working to manipulation of the human microbiome to improve human health. In addition, Human Microbiome Project provided contribution important to develop new fields in the technological and bioinformatic tools, through five year effort. The first stage of this initiative was included the sequencing of many hundreds of microbial reference genomes which isolated from human body sites. This information acquired from the reference genomes can help to functional annotation and classification of 16S rRNA from microbiome samples. In human body microbial partners carry out a several of metabolic reactions which are important for human health, still are not encoded in the human genome. Although, the large number of microbial kinds existent in the body did not isolated, because, the inability in the lab to reproduce suitable growth conditions for microbial. Therefore there are huge number of microbial are still undetectable. It is important the study of microbial communities directly from their natural habitats by benefit of advances in sequencing technology. The HMP is working to characterize the human microbiome communities by using different complementary analyses included: 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), metagenomic sequencing and whole-genome shotgun (WGS), which focused on examination of the intestine microbiome through the use of WGS data. The metagenome is includes the collective genomes of the human microbial flora. Generating a huge amounts of data from the sequencing and analyzes of reference genomes about the complexity of the human microbiome which are isolate from different sites of the human body and providing more information about human health and disease. 16S and wgs sequencing occurred in a four stages are: containing of a mock data pilot stage, a clinical pilot stage, in July 2010 stage 1 completed and clinical stage 2 currently in progress. Has been funded Fifteen demonstration projects to explain the nature of relationship between the microbiome, health and disease. It is known that the human microbiome is consists of the genes and genomes of the microbiota which resident throughout human body. The Human Microbiome Project resources, includes the following: 600 microbial reference genomes, 700 metagenomes, 60 million predicted genes, and 70 million 16S sequences from healthy adult microbiomes. The human microbiome including of microbial genes, genomes, and gene products of the microbiota which interact with the human body host to prime immunity and in same time to maintain host health. Also, the microbiome is contribute to maintenance and development of the immune system. The HMP is surveying the microbiomes pass the bodies of a group of healthy adults to produce data groups of microbiomes, to developing of reference strains by a classification of microbial genome sequences, and evaluating the properties of microbiomes which associated with specific skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital. Recently, has been developed three programs in technology are: the ethical, legal implications, and computational tools to support this field (microbiome research). In addition, there are four projects listed under the HMP program, depending on the four data sets produced, including: data sets produced in individual demonstration project activities; targeted 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences; reference strain microbial genome sequences; and whole-genome shotgun metagenomic sequences. Whereas, the second major resource of the HMP is include five major areas of the human body (healthy adults) are: skin, mouth, nose, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. In spite of, in the early years at birth, the generating of the microbiome, occurs through interact between the diet, maturing immune system and microbial communities. (Koenig et al., 2011) (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010) . Difficult to understand what is happening through interactions between the microbiome function, early microbiome events and changes during the stages of life, such as using antibiotics possible to be predisposing factor to allergies later in life (Bisgaard et al., 2011). Also, because microbiome disorders might occur in childhood can lead to many diseases such as asthma, and type 1 diabetes. Each site of the body contains a unique microbiome important to maintain for the host health, for example the gastrointestinal microbiome which directly interacts with the immune system of the host (Round and Mazmanian, 2009). In addition to many functions as energy supply for host cells and digestion of food. The microbiome acquired be through anew each generation but it is not inherited. Currently, a lot of international efforts focused on enhance the understanding of the complexity of the human microbiome and determining the multiple pathological mechanisms for explore in human health and disease. The International Human Microbiome Consortium (IMHC) is open to support most research programs of human microbiome, the aim of the IMHC is the collection of information and understanding how the human microbiome is working to maintenance of human health and occurrence of diseases, for the purpose of illustrate that the relationship between the human microbiome, human health and disease. Also, other goals are in- depth study in the complexity of the microbiome in health and disease in general, make a full analysis of the human microbiome about human health and/or disease, creating the novel diagnostic tools of the disease and development of new methods to prevent and treat diseases and therapeutic interventions. In addition, that future researches aims to detect and to look for the important role of metagenomic analyses to defining DNA sequences and help to detected human infections because of the complexity of the human microbiome.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparison of Benjamin Rush and John Adams

Comparison of Benjamin Rush and John Adams Cody Palladino Revolution essay Between the year of 1760 and the 1800 many events happened including the revolutionary war that would become an important part of American history. Both Benjamin Rush and John Adams were very accomplished men that had very different views on the revolution in America. Also, both john Adams and Benjamin Rush had enormous influence on the outcome of the American revolution. During this essay, I will explain how the view of Benjamin Rush and john Adams differ from one another such as how John Adams thought that the American revolution was over before the war but that wasnt the case for Benjamin rush as for he thought the American revolution was far from over even after the revolutionary war. Also as much as they did not agree upon each others view of when the revolution ended they did agree upon some idea about the American revolution. Lastly this essay will explain my views as well to if the American revolution qualify as revolutionary. First, John Adams was one of the leader in the American revolution, and was the second president of the united states form (1797 to 1801). He was born in Massachusetts and was soon to be recognized as a Harvard-educated graduate who shortly after became a lawyer. John Adams was extremely intelligent, patriotic, and very opinionated. Adams became a huge correspondent of great Britains colonial America and he also thought that the British tariffs and high taxes were a tool of oppression. In 1765 the passage of the Stamp Act thrusted Adams into the public affairs of the empire and colony. This same year John Adams had Published his first major essay about politics called A dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, and also composed the Braintree Instruction. These pieces of work assailed the Stamp Act for striping the American colonists of their two basic rights. These two rights were, the rights to be taxed only by consent and tired only by ones peers for the jury, these rights were gu aranteed to all Englishmen by the Magna Carta and were still being taken away. In the 1770s John Adams became a member of the continental congress. John Adams was also one of the only two signers of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams had dedicated his life to the cause of liberty and to the development of the republican government in America. His views and beliefs about the American revolution are far from that of Benjamin Rush. John Adams believed that that the revolution occurred before the actual war did. Adams has suggested that the colonists has already mentally rebelled against the monarchy before the actual bloodshed. The event such as the Boston tea party supported his claims. Thus, was because when England started taxation British people rebelled throwing tea off the ship into the harbor which could be evidence that there was already a metal revolution. Next, Benjamin Rush was a big advocator of social reforms and also the singer of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Rush was extremely well educated and became a doctor and surgeon during the war who treated the wounded. Benjamin Rush was one of the top Physician in the newly developing Americas. Benjamin was a strong supporter for his nation and the people trying to help out where he can even provide medical care for the poor. He was a very vocal proponent of the emancipation of slaves, descent care for the mentally ill, and also public education. Rush agreed with John Adams and wanted to abolish to Stamp Act of 1765 because he thought is was ludicrous and also a violation to the American people imposed by the British primarily because they were in a long 7-year debt. He had and influence on one of the founding fathers Thomas Paine in which Paine wrote a book called Common Sense. This book had a dramatic effect on the people convincing them in favor of the independence. Rush also helped Ratify the constitution because he served in the Pennsylvania convention. Rush was a strong believer in the principle of equality, and he wanted to abolish slavery. In the book titled Visions of America by Jennifer Keene it states, Women needed to be familiar with the political idea of republicanism (136). This is why Benjamin Rush was championing female education so much. Rush believes that the American war that made us independent is over but the revolution is far from that. He thinks that the revolution is not just the war. Independence was not the only fact and cause for this revolution. Also he thinks the revolution is more than trying to get independence from Britain it about changes that havent happened and are struggling to. He was very important to making this amazing country we live in today. In my opinion based on the American revolution, I believe that the American Revolution wasnt very revolutionary and this is based on a couple reason I will talk about in the paragraph. First of all the same people or kind of people were in power in the colonies and later what became known as the United States. There was no actual real change in social relations. Women were still unequal as to men and sadly slavery still existed. Many different races, ethnicities, poor white Americans and females did not achieve their liberty from the new leadership after the American revolution. In the American revolution, what actually happened was the American colonist began to realize that their rights were being stripped from them and they started voicing their opinion, the British government were abusing many of their rights. So many years after the colonist people had spent many years trying to propose a compromise peacefully. When change didnt take place wars/fights broke out which eventually lead the colonist to declare their independence and fought for their freedom. Just because the colonist received their independence doesnt mean that this event was revolutionary. Its not out of the ordinary for people to want to change and replace a type of government that is unfairly treating the people. What was designed and created after the revolutionary war was not too much different than what was created before the war, nothing dramatically changed or happened for the good. the definition of revolutionary is involving or causing a complete or dramatic change in which the American Revolution did not obtain even after the American war. The revolution did lead to some great accomplishments such as civil liberties enacted by the Founding Fathers that was based on axiological laws of nature and religious beliefs. All in all, both John Adams and Benjamin Rush had different views and understandings of the American revolution. John Adams was a strong believer that the revolution happened before the actual war. Adams has suggested that the colonists has already mentally rebelled against the monarchy before the actual bloodshed. For Benjamin Rush his views explain that just because the war was over the revolution was far from that. Benjamin Rush interpretation can be justified that the revolution wasnt over because there wasnt any new form of government established and perfected after the American War. The articles of confederation clearly is an example of the failure. In my opinion the American revolution was not very revolutionary at all. There was no actual real change in social relations. What was designed and created after the American revolution wasnt very different than what was accomplished before the wars, things generally stayed the same. Although John Adams and Benjamin Rush did not agr ee about when the revolution was over they did have similar views and agreeance with some of the stupid laws that the British opposed such as the tax tariffs and the Stamp Act. Work Cited Keene, Jennifer D., et al. Visions of America: a History of the United States. 3rd ed., vol. 1, Boston, Pearson, 2017.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Interpretation of the King in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Engli

Interpretation of the King in Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet presents in the character of King Claudius an intelligent, cunning, but seemingly unselfish ruler. This essay will present both an external and internal consideration of Claudius.    For the duration of the drama an important mental contest ensues between Claudius and the protagonist. John Masefield discusses this mind battle in â€Å"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†:    Justice, in her grosser as in her finer form, is concerned with the finding of the truth.   The first half of the play, though it exposes and develops the fable, is a dual image of a search for truth, of a seeking for a certainty that would justify a violent act.   The King is probing Hamlet's mind with gross human probes, to find out if he is mad. Hamlet is searching the King's mind with the finest of intellectual probes, to find out if he is guilty.   The probe used by him, the fragment of a play within a play, is the work of a man with a knowledge of the impotence of intellect--    "Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown"--    and a faith in the omnipotence of intellect--    "Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own."    To this man, five minutes after the lines have exposed the guilty man, comes a chance to kill his uncle.   Hamlet " might do it at"- while he is at prayers.   The knowledge that the sword will not reach the real man, since damnation comes from within, not from without, arrests his hand. (n. pag.)    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his ... Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint of Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.          Interpretation of the King in Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Engli Interpretation of the King in Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet presents in the character of King Claudius an intelligent, cunning, but seemingly unselfish ruler. This essay will present both an external and internal consideration of Claudius.    For the duration of the drama an important mental contest ensues between Claudius and the protagonist. John Masefield discusses this mind battle in â€Å"Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†:    Justice, in her grosser as in her finer form, is concerned with the finding of the truth.   The first half of the play, though it exposes and develops the fable, is a dual image of a search for truth, of a seeking for a certainty that would justify a violent act.   The King is probing Hamlet's mind with gross human probes, to find out if he is mad. Hamlet is searching the King's mind with the finest of intellectual probes, to find out if he is guilty.   The probe used by him, the fragment of a play within a play, is the work of a man with a knowledge of the impotence of intellect--    "Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown"--    and a faith in the omnipotence of intellect--    "Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own."    To this man, five minutes after the lines have exposed the guilty man, comes a chance to kill his uncle.   Hamlet " might do it at"- while he is at prayers.   The knowledge that the sword will not reach the real man, since damnation comes from within, not from without, arrests his hand. (n. pag.)    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his ... Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint of Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21; New York:, 2000    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.         

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- Ma

Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn      Ã‚   Samuel Clemens was an American writer and humorist who's best work is shown by broad social satire, realism of place and language, and memorable characters.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clemens was born November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri. His family moved to Hannibal, Mississippi when he was four. There he received a public school education. Samuel Clemens was a difficult child, given to mischief and mis adventure. He barely escaped drowning on nine separate occasions. His fathers death was a calamity in which Samuel was not prepared for. Albert Bigelow Paine, Clemens official biographer, offers the following glimpse of the young Clemens      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "The boy Sam was fairly broken down. Remorse, which always   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   dealt with him unsparingly, laid a heavy hand on him now. Wildness,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   disobedience, indifference to his fathers wishes, all were remembered; a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hundred things, in themselves trifling, became ghastly and heart-wringing   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  in the knowledge that could never be undone. Seeing his grief, his mother   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   took him by the hand and led him into where his father lay."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "It's all right, Sammy," she said. "What's done is done, and it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   does not matter to him anymore; but here by the side of him now I want   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   you to promise to me-"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He turned, his eyes streaming with tears, and flung himself into   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   her arms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "I will promise anything ," he sobbed, "if you won't make me go   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to school! Anything!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His mother held him for a moment, thinking, then she said:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "No, Sammy; you need not go to school anymore. Only... ...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A. Family Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.Deaths   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B. Money Problems   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1. Bankruptcy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2. Move to Europe   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C. His comeback   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   D. His death      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   V.  Ã‚   Effects of Twain's stories   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A. How he affected his era   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B. How the era affected his writings      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   VI.  Ã‚   Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A. My feelings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B. End notes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C. Bibliography Work Cited:    Twain, Mark.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 3rd ed. Ed. Thomas Cooley. New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   York: Norton, 1999.       Works Consulted: Kaplan, Justin. Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, a Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Ward, Geoffrey C., et. al. Mark Twain: An Illustrated Biography. New York: Knopf, 2001    Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- Ma Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn      Ã‚   Samuel Clemens was an American writer and humorist who's best work is shown by broad social satire, realism of place and language, and memorable characters.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clemens was born November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri. His family moved to Hannibal, Mississippi when he was four. There he received a public school education. Samuel Clemens was a difficult child, given to mischief and mis adventure. He barely escaped drowning on nine separate occasions. His fathers death was a calamity in which Samuel was not prepared for. Albert Bigelow Paine, Clemens official biographer, offers the following glimpse of the young Clemens      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "The boy Sam was fairly broken down. Remorse, which always   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   dealt with him unsparingly, laid a heavy hand on him now. Wildness,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   disobedience, indifference to his fathers wishes, all were remembered; a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   hundred things, in themselves trifling, became ghastly and heart-wringing   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  in the knowledge that could never be undone. Seeing his grief, his mother   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   took him by the hand and led him into where his father lay."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "It's all right, Sammy," she said. "What's done is done, and it   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   does not matter to him anymore; but here by the side of him now I want   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   you to promise to me-"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He turned, his eyes streaming with tears, and flung himself into   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   her arms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "I will promise anything ," he sobbed, "if you won't make me go   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to school! Anything!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His mother held him for a moment, thinking, then she said:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "No, Sammy; you need not go to school anymore. Only... ...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A. Family Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.Deaths   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B. Money Problems   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1. Bankruptcy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2. Move to Europe   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C. His comeback   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   D. His death      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   V.  Ã‚   Effects of Twain's stories   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A. How he affected his era   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B. How the era affected his writings      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   VI.  Ã‚   Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A. My feelings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B. End notes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C. Bibliography Work Cited:    Twain, Mark.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 3rd ed. Ed. Thomas Cooley. New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   York: Norton, 1999.       Works Consulted: Kaplan, Justin. Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, a Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Ward, Geoffrey C., et. al. Mark Twain: An Illustrated Biography. New York: Knopf, 2001   

How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Essay

How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Sonnet 138 convey the imperfect nature of love? Each of the three poems conveys the imperfect nature of love in one way or another. Personally I feel that love can never be perfect as there are always going to be arguments that arise in any relationship. I think that two people can love each other but it will never be perfect unless there is complete trust and understanding in all situations. Another reason is that there is no such thing as perfection so therefore everything can always be better. The three poems that I am comparing are ‘To His Coy Mistress’, Andrew Marvell (1621-78), ‘The Sick Rose’, William Blake (1757-1827) and ‘Sonnet 138’, William Shakespeare (1564-1616) None of the poems portray a romantic idea of love, but more the dark side of it. Each shows a different aspect of love. However they all show that love is not perfect. Although each poem deals with the imperfect nature of love, they each have their own diverse theme. ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is about sexual desire and basically the poet trying to get his mistress into bed. In this poem the man is trying to persuade and pressure the woman. We then have a poem that can also be interpreted as sexual. An example of the sexual implications of te poem is however this poem’s interpretation is more down to the reader and how they view it. Even with its many interpretations ‘The Sick Rose’ essentially gives a warning about the dangers that love can bring. The third poem has no similarities within the theme as the others do. ‘Sonnet 138’ deals with the imperfect nature of love through the form of lies within a relationship. We can see similarities between the themes of ‘To His Co... ...e similarities within the tones but William Shakespeare’s is completely different to both of them. This poem is more thoughtful and advising. It starts as thoughtful then begins to become questioning. At the end it then develops a tone of resignation. Overall in my opinion ‘The Sick Rose’ is the poem that depicts the imperfect nature of love best. This is because it is the most serious of the poems and it is the one that contains the most warnings. In the other two poems there is a feeling of happiness. Even in ‘To His Coy Mistress’ there is a sense of love in the relationship. ‘The Sick Rose’ however does not give any feelings of happiness but instead reveals a rather dark side of love that nobody would like to be part of. It shows more the pain involved in love. The poem shows that even although people feel love it may not necessarily make them happy. How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Essay How do the three poems To His Coy Mistress, The Sick Rose and Sonnet 138 convey the imperfect nature of love? Each of the three poems conveys the imperfect nature of love in one way or another. Personally I feel that love can never be perfect as there are always going to be arguments that arise in any relationship. I think that two people can love each other but it will never be perfect unless there is complete trust and understanding in all situations. Another reason is that there is no such thing as perfection so therefore everything can always be better. The three poems that I am comparing are ‘To His Coy Mistress’, Andrew Marvell (1621-78), ‘The Sick Rose’, William Blake (1757-1827) and ‘Sonnet 138’, William Shakespeare (1564-1616) None of the poems portray a romantic idea of love, but more the dark side of it. Each shows a different aspect of love. However they all show that love is not perfect. Although each poem deals with the imperfect nature of love, they each have their own diverse theme. ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is about sexual desire and basically the poet trying to get his mistress into bed. In this poem the man is trying to persuade and pressure the woman. We then have a poem that can also be interpreted as sexual. An example of the sexual implications of te poem is however this poem’s interpretation is more down to the reader and how they view it. Even with its many interpretations ‘The Sick Rose’ essentially gives a warning about the dangers that love can bring. The third poem has no similarities within the theme as the others do. ‘Sonnet 138’ deals with the imperfect nature of love through the form of lies within a relationship. We can see similarities between the themes of ‘To His Co... ...e similarities within the tones but William Shakespeare’s is completely different to both of them. This poem is more thoughtful and advising. It starts as thoughtful then begins to become questioning. At the end it then develops a tone of resignation. Overall in my opinion ‘The Sick Rose’ is the poem that depicts the imperfect nature of love best. This is because it is the most serious of the poems and it is the one that contains the most warnings. In the other two poems there is a feeling of happiness. Even in ‘To His Coy Mistress’ there is a sense of love in the relationship. ‘The Sick Rose’ however does not give any feelings of happiness but instead reveals a rather dark side of love that nobody would like to be part of. It shows more the pain involved in love. The poem shows that even although people feel love it may not necessarily make them happy.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Edible Arrangements

The Brand Reputation: – Edible arrangements offer many different varieties of fresh fruits with chocolate dipping. They are very unique and have new concepts, this makes them add value to reputation of their brand. Their main strength is an ingenious approach to fresh foods. Fresh fruits are always healthy more the less fresh fruits with chocolate dipping adds to the luscious delight. The artistic works on the fruits makes it more appealing for a normal trespasser as well . It invokes a wow factor for the clients. Customers are highly satisfied with their artefact as well as aliments and are driven back with the urge for more.The flexible price factor also attracts more customers to Edible arrangements. The customer service provides the clients with the best hospitality and gives you an open choice of tasting your goodies before you intend to buy them . While marketing through this strategy of try and buy attracts the clients to buy more of their products and increases the sal es for the company. The hospitality of the company also creates a warm and a welcoming atmosphere which serves as a major point in retaining the customers. A more customer friendly environment with the best products of fair pricing is what stand as the strength of the joint.Moving on to the weakness of the company, The company offers only limited products and needs to diversify on the overall products produced. This will attract more clients and increase the sales. Edible arrangements have very little awareness on the open community and hence this will lead to customer reduction. A restricted marketing and financial plan will affect the company growth. Edible arrangements need to rethink on their promotion strategies and increase awareness among the public people. This will make them competitive against the heavy competition in the market.Since the company focuses on fresh and high quality products their lifetime will not be long. And hence has to sold out quickly, if not it will be considered as waste. Also adding on to this point the delivery of the products will also be a hazard and can be done only for short distance since the products are fresh and has to be consumed quickly. There will not be an extraordinary support from the finance point of view since the business is on the verge of being a established well in the market and hence backing will be limited. The overall number of stores in the country is marginable.However the need to promote their business and manage the flourishing demand, establishment of more stores will led to increase in its customers. Limited working hours during the day needs to be increased in order to complete the products and manage the delivery time for the customers. Analyzing the Opportunities of the edible arrangements are the following The fresh fruits are mostly loved by everyone and wide range of people will be interested in such health conscious products. This will boost the company in their growth. Their unique idea on fresh fruits is totally a new innovative and different concept.This leads to increased stakeholders. The other opportunity for edible products is to redesign their gift basket and make it novel. They should also concentrate on continuous improvement of their products and have consistent variety. Special packages and gifts must be offered during festival times to attract more clients. Festival season must have number employees working since the number of orders will increase and there will be high demand for the products. The locality and ambiance of the stores must have high standard of quality so that it can accommodate more number of customers and have less waiting time.Hospitality must be at the peak even during those times to retain the customers even in crowded hours. Franchise can be sold to common people who are willing to make the edible arrangements proud and widen their business. This strategy will lead you to a next platform and increase the growth. It is important to ha ve collaboration with third parties and promote the business to next level in order to be in the top markets. This will also help you build a good reputation and increase awareness among the people. Opportunities also exist for Edible Arrangements to continue to expand into a younger demographic market segment.As noted in the previous section, North American youth are becoming increasingly health conscious and paying closer attention to the nutritional content of their food more than ever before. Edible Arrangements should remain highly active on social media sites, and maintain their innovative, fresh and colourful promotional campaigns to keep expanding their brand awareness and tapping into different market segments, particularly young adults and teenagers. And concluding on the threats caused to edible arrangements, Competition is regarded as one of the major threats to edible arrangements.There will also be new competitors and they will tend to copy the ideas of products and tr y to dominate the existing competitors. There will be price variance on the products and hence the customers will look onto this factor as well. Since edible arrangements have high standard of quality it will remain a difficult competitor in maintaining good quality and also compete with the low cost competitors. There will be a threat to study the variance in the market and what the clients are expecting, in order to thrive market domination.It is also be possible in customer reduction, this terms of self preparation of the commodities by the regular consumers as it is easy to make. This can prevented to a approximate level by making the exclusive recipes and maintain secrecy in minute detailing of the products which makes the sold commodities by Edible arrangements unique. Since edible arrangements is a small company there are greater risks that larger companies will begin to offer similar products and services thus this will be a big threat to edible arrangements. Edible Arrangements The Brand Reputation: – Edible arrangements offer many different varieties of fresh fruits with chocolate dipping. They are very unique and have new concepts, this makes them add value to reputation of their brand. Their main strength is an ingenious approach to fresh foods. Fresh fruits are always healthy more the less fresh fruits with chocolate dipping adds to the luscious delight. The artistic works on the fruits makes it more appealing for a normal trespasser as well . It invokes a wow factor for the clients. Customers are highly satisfied with their artefact as well as aliments and are driven back with the urge for more.The flexible price factor also attracts more customers to Edible arrangements. The customer service provides the clients with the best hospitality and gives you an open choice of tasting your goodies before you intend to buy them . While marketing through this strategy of try and buy attracts the clients to buy more of their products and increases the sal es for the company. The hospitality of the company also creates a warm and a welcoming atmosphere which serves as a major point in retaining the customers. A more customer friendly environment with the best products of fair pricing is what stand as the strength of the joint.Moving on to the weakness of the company, The company offers only limited products and needs to diversify on the overall products produced. This will attract more clients and increase the sales. Edible arrangements have very little awareness on the open community and hence this will lead to customer reduction. A restricted marketing and financial plan will affect the company growth. Edible arrangements need to rethink on their promotion strategies and increase awareness among the public people. This will make them competitive against the heavy competition in the market.Since the company focuses on fresh and high quality products their lifetime will not be long. And hence has to sold out quickly, if not it will be considered as waste. Also adding on to this point the delivery of the products will also be a hazard and can be done only for short distance since the products are fresh and has to be consumed quickly. There will not be an extraordinary support from the finance point of view since the business is on the verge of being a established well in the market and hence backing will be limited. The overall number of stores in the country is marginable.However the need to promote their business and manage the flourishing demand, establishment of more stores will led to increase in its customers. Limited working hours during the day needs to be increased in order to complete the products and manage the delivery time for the customers. Analyzing the Opportunities of the edible arrangements are the following The fresh fruits are mostly loved by everyone and wide range of people will be interested in such health conscious products. This will boost the company in their growth. Their unique idea on fresh fruits is totally a new innovative and different concept.This leads to increased stakeholders. The other opportunity for edible products is to redesign their gift basket and make it novel. They should also concentrate on continuous improvement of their products and have consistent variety. Special packages and gifts must be offered during festival times to attract more clients. Festival season must have number employees working since the number of orders will increase and there will be high demand for the products. The locality and ambiance of the stores must have high standard of quality so that it can accommodate more number of customers and have less waiting time.Hospitality must be at the peak even during those times to retain the customers even in crowded hours. Franchise can be sold to common people who are willing to make the edible arrangements proud and widen their business. This strategy will lead you to a next platform and increase the growth. It is important to ha ve collaboration with third parties and promote the business to next level in order to be in the top markets. This will also help you build a good reputation and increase awareness among the people. Opportunities also exist for Edible Arrangements to continue to expand into a younger demographic market segment.As noted in the previous section, North American youth are becoming increasingly health conscious and paying closer attention to the nutritional content of their food more than ever before. Edible Arrangements should remain highly active on social media sites, and maintain their innovative, fresh and colourful promotional campaigns to keep expanding their brand awareness and tapping into different market segments, particularly young adults and teenagers. And concluding on the threats caused to edible arrangements, Competition is regarded as one of the major threats to edible arrangements.There will also be new competitors and they will tend to copy the ideas of products and tr y to dominate the existing competitors. There will be price variance on the products and hence the customers will look onto this factor as well. Since edible arrangements have high standard of quality it will remain a difficult competitor in maintaining good quality and also compete with the low cost competitors. There will be a threat to study the variance in the market and what the clients are expecting, in order to thrive market domination.It is also be possible in customer reduction, this terms of self preparation of the commodities by the regular consumers as it is easy to make. This can prevented to a approximate level by making the exclusive recipes and maintain secrecy in minute detailing of the products which makes the sold commodities by Edible arrangements unique. Since edible arrangements is a small company there are greater risks that larger companies will begin to offer similar products and services thus this will be a big threat to edible arrangements.